Daily use English sentences 4001 to 5000
वह शरमा गई । | She blushed. |
तुम शरमाते बहुत हो । | You blush a lot. |
मुझसे शरमाओ मत । | Don’t blush of me. |
तुम इतना क्यों शरमाते हो ? | Why do you blush so much ? |
तुम मुझसे शरमा क्यों रहे हो ? | Why are you blushing of me ? |
मुझे बहुत बुरा लगा । | I felt so bad. |
तुम्हें बहुत बुरा लगेगा । | You will feel so bad. |
मुझे क्यों बुरा लगेगा ? | Why will I feel bad ? |
उसे क्यों बुरा लगा ? | Why did he feel bad ? |
तुम्हें क्यों बुरा लगा ? | Why did you feel bad ? |
दिन मे सपने मत देखो । | Don’t daydreaming. |
वो दिन में सपने देख रहा है । | He is daydreaming. |
तुम दिन में सपने देख रहे हो । | You are daydreaming. |
दिन में सपने देखना बंद करो । | Stop daydreaming. |
दिन मे सपने देख रहे हो क्या ? | Are you daydreaming ? |
मुझे पता है ये जायज है । | I know this is justified. |
तुम्हारा गुस्सा जायज है । | Your anger is justified. |
देखो, ये जायज नहीं है । | See, this is not justified. |
जो जायज है वो बोलो । | Speak which is justified. |
तुम्हारा गुस्सा जायज था । | Your anger was justified. |
उसका गुस्सा जायज था । | His anger was justified. |
मुझे नहीं लगता ये जायज है । | I don’t think this is justified. |
मुझे नींद आ रही है। | I am feeling sleepy. |
मेरा पेट खराब है। | My stomach is upset. |
यह बक्सा बड़ा भारी है। | This box is very heavy. |
मुझसे बुरा कोई नहीं होगा । | No one will be worse than me. |
वह रोते रोते आया । | He came while weeping. |
वो देखता का देखता रह गया । | He kept watching. |
वे लोग देखते के देखते रह गए । | They kept watching. |
मै खाना खा कर आऊँगा । | I will come after eating the food. |
मेरा दाहिना आँख फड़क रहा है । | My right eye is twitching. |
मेरा बायां आँख फड़क रहा है । | My left eye is twitching. |
तुम्हारा दिमाग खराब हो गया है क्या ? | Have you lost your mind ? |
मेरा कुछ भी खाने पीने का मन नहीं कर रहा है । | I don’t feel like having anything. |
सब्र रखो ।/सब्र करो । | Have patience. |
थोड़ा सब्र रखो/थोड़ा सब्र करो | Have some patience. |
कभी तो सब्र रखा करो । | Do ever have patience. |
तुम सब्र नहीं रख सकते क्या ? | Can’t you have patience ? |
तुम्हें सब्र रखना चाहिए । | You should have patience. |
तुम्हें सब्र रखना चाहिए था । | You should have had patience. |
हद पार मत करो । | Don’t cross the limit. |
अपनी हद पार मत करो । | Don’t cross your limit. |
तुम अपनी हद पार कर रहे हो । | You are crossing your limit. |
तुमने तो हद पार कर दी । | You have crossed your limit. |
तुम्हें अपनी हद पार नहीं करनी चाहिए थी । | You shouldn’t have crossed your limit. |
ये तुम्हारे बस की बात नहीं है | It’s not your cup of tea. |
ये उसके बस की बात नहीं है | It’s not his cup of tea. |
ये केवल मेरे बस का है । | It’s only my cup of tea. |
मेरे बस का नहीं है सुबह बजे उठना । | Getting up at o’ clock is not my cup of tea. |
तुम मुझसे दूर रहो । | You stay away from me. |
वो तुमसे दूर नहीं रह सकता । | He can’t stay away from you. |
तुम उससे दूर रहो । | You stay away from him/her. |
तुम्हें उससे दूर रहना चाहिए था । | You should have stayed away from him. |
पत्थर दिल मत बनो । | Don’t be hard hearted. |
तुम बड़े पत्थर दिल इंसान हो । | You are very hard hearted person. |
वो बहुत पत्थर दिल इंसान था । | He was very hard hearted person. |
तुम इतने पत्थर दिल कैसे बन गए ? | How did you become so hard hearted ? |
देखो, मना मत करना । | See, don’t refuse. |
तुमने मना क्यों किया ? | Why did you refuse ? |
तुम हर बार मना कर देते हो । | You refuse everytime. |
अब मना क्यों कर रहे हो ? | Now Why are you refusing ? |
मना करने के बाद भी तुम वहाँ क्यों जा रहे हो ? | Why are you going there even after refusing ? |
मुझे इसकी आदत नहीं है । | I am not used to it. |
मुझे जल्दी सोने की आदत नहीं है । | I am not used to sleeping early. |
ऐसा करने से तुमको क्या मिलेगा ? | What will you get by doing so/this ? |
ऐसा करने से उसको क्या मिलेगा ? | What will he get by doing so/this ? |
ऐसा करने से क्या होगा ? | What will happen by doing so/this ? |
ये क्या तुम्हारे बाप का माल है ? | Is it your father’s property ? |
ये क्या तुम्हारे बाप का घर है ? | Is it your father’s property ? |
ये तुम्हारे बाप का माल नहीं है । | It’s not your father’s property. |
इसे अपने बाप का माल मत समझो । | Don’t consider it your father’s property. |
अब मै सही सलामत हूँ । | I am safe and sound now. |
हम सही सलामत पहुंच गये । | We arrived safe and sound. |
आशा करता हूँ तुम सही सलामत हो । | I hope you are safe and sound. |
मै तुम्हें सही सलामत देखकर खुश हूँ । | I am glad to see you safe and sound. |
खैर, सबकुछ सही सलामत है । | Anyway, everything is safe and sound. |
सभी चमकने वाली चीजें सोना नहीं होती । | All that glitters is not gold. |
दोस्त वही है जो समय पर काम आए । | A friend in need ia a friend indeed. |
कम ज्ञान खतरनाक होता है । | A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. |
तुम हँसते हँसते पागल हो जाओगे । | You will go crazy while laughing. |
वह हँसते हँसते रोने लगी । | She started crying while laughing. |
मेरा तो हँसते हँसते पेट दुखने लगा । | My stomach started hurting while laughing. |
गलतफहमी में मत रहो । | Don’t be in misconception. |
इस गलतफहमी में मत रहो । | Don’t be in this misconception. |
तुम गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो । | You are living in misconception. |
मै गलतफहमी में नहीं जी रहा हूँ । | I am not living in misconception. |
किस गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो तुम ? | Which misconception are you living in ? |
तुम अभी भी इस गलतफहमी में जी रहे हो ? | Are you still living in this misconception ? |
मुझे तुमसे कोई शिकायत नहीं है । | I don’t have any complaints with you. |
मुझे उससे कोई शिकायत नहीं है । | I don’t have any complaints with him. |
मुझे जिंदगी से कोई शिकायत नहीं है । | I have no complaints with life. |
मुझे किसी से कोई शिकायत नहीं है । | I don’t have any complaints with anyone. |
क्या तुम्हें अब भी मुझसे कोई शिकायत है ? | Do you still have any complaints with me ? |
वह हद से ज्यादा बिगड़ गई है । | She has spoiled more than enough. |
अब तुम हद से ज्यादा बोल रहे हो । | Now you are speaking more than enough. |
तुम हद से ज्यादा बोलने लगे हो । | You have started speaking more than enough. |
पहले मुझे करने दो । | Let me do first. |
पहले मुझे देखने दो । | Let me see first. |
पहले मुझे सोंचने दो । | Let me think first. |
पहले उसे आने दो । | Let him come first. |
पहले मुझे बोलने दो । | Let me speak first. |
समझो हो गया । | Consider it done. |
और मै क्या करता | What else could i do |
और मै क्या कहता | What else could I say |
और मै कहाँ जाता | Where else could I go |
और मै क्या पहनता | What else could I wear |
तुम तो बिल्कुल झूठे हो । | You are utterly liar. |
तुम तो बिल्कुल पागल हो । | You are utterly mad. |
वह तो बिल्कुल भोला है । | He is utterly innocent. |
तुम तो बिल्कुल गधे हो । | You are utterly donkey. |
तुम तो बिल्कुल बेवकूफ हो । | You are utterly stupid/silly. |
उसे जाना है तो जाये । | If he wants to go, he can. |
तुम्हें जाना है तो जाओ । | If you want to go, you can. |
तुम्हें बैठना है तो बैठो । | If you want to sit, you can. |
तुम्हें करना है तो करो । | If you want to do, you can. |
तुम्हें आना है तो आओ । | If you want to come, you can. |
तुम्हें जो करना है करो । | Do what you want to do. |
तुम्हें जो खाना है खाओ । | Eat what you want to eat. |
तुम्हें जो कहना है कहो । | Say what you want to say. |
तुम्हें जो सोचना है सोचो । | Think what you want to think. |
तुम्हें जो बोलना है बोलो । | Speak what you want to speak. |
वो बहुत तेज चलता है । | He walks very fast. |
वो मेरे आगे खड़ा हो गया । | He stood infront of me. |
क्या आप जरा खड़े हो जाएंगे ? | Would you please stand up ? |
मै थोड़ी देर मे कॉल करता हूँ । | I call you in a while. |
मै थोड़ी देर में आ जाऊँगा । | I will come in a while. |
अभी के अभी यहाँ आ जाओ । | Come here right now. |
अभी के अभी यहाँ से दफा हो जाओ । | Get lost from here right now. |
अगर मुझे पता होता तो मै तुम्हें बताता । | If I knew I would tell you. |
सोच समझ कर बोलो । | Speak thoughtfully. |
चाय बहुत ज्यादा गर्म है । | The tea is very hot. |
कॉफी बहुत ज्यादा गर्म है । | The coffee is piping hot. |
सोच समझ कर जवाब दो मुझे | Answer me thoughtfully. |
आखिर तुम गए कहाँ थे ? | After all where did you go ? |
आखिर तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ? | After all why didn’t you tell me ? |
आखिर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ? | After all what do you want to say ? |
आप ऐसा क्यों सोचते हैं ? | Why do you think so ? |
तुम जल्दी में क्यों हो ? | Why are you in a hurry ? |
आप यह क्यों पूछ रहे हैं ? | Why are you asking this ? |
तुम हमेशा चिल्लाते क्यों हो ? | Why are you always shouting ? |
मेरे रास्ते से हट जाओ । | Move out of my way. |
तुम क्यों चिंतित हो ? | Why are you worried ? |
तुम यहाँ क्यों आए हो ? | Why have you come here ? |
तुम इतने उदास क्यों दिख रहे हो ? | Why are you looking so sad ? |
मै बता नहीं सकता ये कितना बेहतरीन है । | I can’t express how amazing it is. |
आप इस उम्र मे भी इतने energetic कैसे हो ? | How are you so energetic at this age ? |
ये ही तो वो चाहता था । | This is what he wanted. |
ये ही तो मै सोच रहा था । | This is what I was thinking. |
ये ही तो मै बोल रहा था । | This is what I was speaking. |
ये ही तो मै सुनना चाहता था । | This is what i wanted to listen. |
ये ही तो मै बोलना चाहता था । | This is what I wanted to speak. |
ये ही तो मै तुम्हें बताने की कोशिश कर रहा था । | This is what I was trying to tell you. |
ये ही तो मै कर रहा था । | This is what I was doing. |
ये ही तो मै बता रहा था । | This is what I was telling. |
ये ही तो वो कह रही थी । | This is what she is saying. |
ये ही तो मै बताना चाहता था । | This is what I wanted to tell. |
ये ही तो मै बोलने की कोशिश कर रहा था । | This is what I was trying to speak. |
ये ही तो मै पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा था । | This is what I am trying to find out. |
घुमा फिरा कर बात मत करो । | Don’t beat around the bush. |
तुम हमेशा घुमा फिरा कर बात करते हो । | You always beat around the bush. |
घुमा फिरा कर बात क्यों कर रहे हो ? | Why are you beating around the bush ? |
मुझे तुम्हारी कोई हमदर्दी नहीं चाहिए । | I don’t want your sympathy. |
ज्यादा हमदर्दी मत दिखाओ । | Don’t express so much sympathy. |
मुझे उसकी हमदर्दी की कोई जरूरत नहीं है । | I don’t need his sympathy. |
मुझसे हमदर्दी की उम्मीद मत रखना । | Don’t expect sympathy from me. |
हर बात को हँस कर मत टालो । | Don’t put off everything by laughing. |
तुम्हें तो समझाना ही बेकार है । | It is useless to make you understand. |
उसे तो समझाना ही बेकार है । | It is useless to make him understand. |
तुम हर बात को हँस कर क्यों टाल देते हो ? | Why do you put off everything by laughing |
ना तो तुम खुद करते हो ना मुझे करने देते हो । | Neither you do yourself nor let me. |
ना तो खुद जाते हो ना जाने देते हो । | Neither you go yourself nor let me. |
ना तो मै खुद खाऊँगा ना तुम्हें खानें दूंगा । | Neither I will eat myself nor let you eat. |
ना तो खुद सोते हो ना सोने देते हो । | Neither you sleep yourself nor let me sleep. |
ना तो खुद बोलते हो ना बोलने देते हो । | Neither you speak yourself nor let me speak. |
जानकर भी अनजान मत बनो । | Don’t become ignorant even knowing. |
जानकर भी अनजान क्यों बन रहे हो ? | Why are you becoming ignorant even knowing ? |
वो सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान बन रहा था । He was becoming ignorant even knowing everything. | |
सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान मत बनो । | Don’t become ignorant even knowing everything. |
सबकुछ जानकर भी अनजान क्यों बन रहे हो । | Why are you becoming ignorant even knowing everything. |
क्या हुआ चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो ? | What happened why are you screaming ? |
क्या हुआ बड़े परेशान लग रहे हो ? | What happened you are looking very upset ? |
क्या हुआ आज तुम काम पर नहीं गए ? | What happened you didn’t go to work today ? |
क्या हुआ तुम कुछ बोल क्यों नहीं रहे ? | What happened, Why are you not speaking anything ? |
बकवास मत करो । | Don’t talk nonsense. |
बकवास करना बंद करो । | Stop talking nonsense. |
बकवास पसंद नहीं है मुझे । | I don’t like nonsense. |
बकवास क्यो कर रहे हो ? | Why are you talking nonsense ? |
क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम ? | What nonsense are you talking ? |
तुम सुबह से बकवास कर रहे हो? | You have been talking nonsense since morning ? |
मेरे सामने बकवास करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है | There is no need to talk nonsense infrond of me. |
बकवास करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है | There is no need to talk nonsense. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा करो । | Do as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा सुनो । | Listen as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा बोलो । | Speak as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा लिखो । | Write as I say. |
जितना लेना है ले लो । | Take as much as you want. |
तुम्हें जितना खाना है खा लो । | Eat as much as you want. |
तुम्हें जितना बोलना है बोल लो । | Speak as much as you want. |
जितना हँसना है हँस लो । | Laugh as much as you want. |
यह तुम्हारा काम है मेरा नहीं । | It’s your work not mine. |
यह उसका काम है मेरा नहीं । | It’s his work not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी ड्यूटी है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your duty not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी परेशानी है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your problem not mine. |
यह उनलोगों का काम है हमारा नहीं । | It’s their work not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी जिम्मेदारी है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your responsibility not mine. |
तुम किसके साथ हो ? | Whom are you with ? |
तुम किससे बात कर रही हो ? | Whom are you talking to ? |
तुम किसके साथ जा रहे हो ? | Whom are you going with ? |
तुम किसका इंतजार कर रहे हो ? | Whom are you waiting for ? |
तुम किसकी बात कर रहे हो ? | Whom are you talking about ? |
ये लो तुम्हारे बाकी पैसे । | Here is your rest of the money. |
क्या तुम्हें अब भी मुझ पर शक है ? | Are you still suspicious of me ? |
क्या तुम अब भी उससे प्यार करते हो ? | Do you still love her ? |
क्या तुम अब भी मुझसे नफरत करती हो ? | Do you still hate me ? |
क्या तुम अब भी उस पर भरोसा करते हो ? | Do you still trust on him ? |
आज तुमने क्या क्या किया ? | What all did you do today ? |
आज तुमने क्या क्या खाया ? | What all did you eat today ? |
उसने मेरे बारे में क्या क्या कहा ? | What all did he say about me ? |
तुम उसके बारे में क्या क्या जानते हो ? | What all do you know about him ? |
मै ट्रैफिक में फस गया हूँ । | I am stuck in traffic. |
मुझे ऊंगली मत दिखाओ । | Don’t show me your finger. |
तुम उसकी बातों में फंस जाओगे । | You will stuck in his talks. |
इंसान होने के नाते ये हमारा फर्ज है । | Being human this is our duty. |
एक दोस्त होने के नाते मै ये तुमसे बोल रहा हूँ । | Being a friend I am talking this to you. |
वो नखरें करती है । | She throws tantrums. |
नखरें करना बंद करो । | Stop throwing tantrums. |
वो नखरें कर रही है । | She is throwing tantrums |
तुम बहुत नखरें करते हो । | You throw tantrums a lot. |
मुझे नखरे मत दिखाओ । | Don’t throw tantrums to me. |
नखरे मत दिखाओ/करो । | Don’t throw tantrums. |
तुम हमेशा नखरें करती/दिखाती हो ? | You always throw tantrums ? |
वो बहुत नखरें दिखाया करती थी । | She used to throw tantrums a lot. |
नखरें क्यों दिखा/कर रहे हो ? | Why are you throwing tantrums ? |
वो मुझे नखरे दिखा रही थी । | She was throwing tantrums to me. |
मै ऊपर हूँ । | I am upstairs. |
मै नीचे हूँ । | I am downstairs. |
ऊपर चले जाओ । | Go upstairs. |
नीचे चले जाओ । | Go downstairs. |
ऊपर आ जाओ । | Come upstairs. |
नीचे आ जाओ । | Come downstairs. |
मै छत पर हूँ । | I am on the roof. |
वो छत पर है । | He is on the roof. |
मै अपने घर में हूँ । | I am in my house. |
वो अपने कमरे में है । | He is in his room. |
मुझे इसमें मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag me into it. |
उसे इस मामले में मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag him into it. |
मुझे इस बात में मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag me into this matter. |
मुझे इसमें क्यों घसीट रहे हो ? | Why are you dragging me into it ? |
मुझे इन सब में घसीटना बंद करो । | Stop dragging me into these all. |
उसको इसमें क्यों घसीट रहे हो ? | Why are you dragging him into it ? |
वो हमें इस मामले में घसीट रहा है । | He is dragging us into this matter. |
मै तुम्हें क्यों बताऊँ | Why do I tell you |
मै तुम्हारी बात क्यों मानूँ | Why do I obey you |
मै उसे कैसे भूल जाऊँ ? | How do i forget him ? |
मै तुम्हें कैसे याद दिलाऊँ । | How do I remind you. |
मै कैसे तुमपर भरोसा करूँ ? | How do I trust you ? |
मै तुम्हें कैसे समझाऊँ ? | How do I make you understand |
ज्यादा भाव मत दो उसे । | Don’t give much importance. |
मै किसी को ज्यादा भाव नहीं देता । | I don’t give much importance to anyone. |
मै ऐसे लोगों को ज्यादा भाव नहीं देता । | I don’t give much importance to such people. |
ज्यादा भाव क्यों दे रही हो उसे ? | Why are you giving much importance to him ? |
मैने कोई ठेका नहीं ले रखा है वहाँ जाने का । | I have not taken contract to go there. |
मैने क्या ठेका ले रखा है तुम्हारा काम करने का ? | Have i taken contract to do your work ? |
मैने कोई ठेका नहीं ले रखा है उसे समझाने का । | I haven’t taken contract to make him understand. |
यह इतना महंगा नहीं है जितना लगता है । | It is not as costly as it seems. |
वो इतना बुरा नहीं है जितना मै सोच रहा था । | He is not as bad as i was thinking. |
तुम इतनी सीधी नहीं हो जितनी लगती हो । | You are not as innocent as you look. |
ये इतना आसान नहीं है जितना तुम सोच रहे हो । | It is not as easy as you are thinking. |
वो इतना बुरा नहीं था जितना हम सोच रहे थें । | He was not as bad as we were thinking. |
सबकुछ मेरे सर के ऊपर से चला गया । | Everything went over my head. |
सब कुछ मेरे सर के ऊपर से जा रहा है । | Everything is going over my head. |
दूध फट गया । | The milk turned sour. |
दूध उबल गया है । | The milk has boiled. |
दूध अभी नहीं उबला है । | The milk has not boiled yet. |
तो क्या हो गया ? | So what ? |
सब खतम हो गया । | It’s all over. |
वो जमाना गुजर गया । | That age has gone by. |
तुम ऐसा कैसे कर सकते हो ? | How could you do this ? |
मै रास्ते में हूँ । | I am on the way. |
वो रास्ते मे है । | He is on the way. |
वो पागल हो गया है । | He has gone mad. |
इसे क्या कहते हैं । | What is it called ? |
इसका क्या मतलब है ? | What does it mean ? |
किसे पड़ी है/किसे चिंता है ! | Who cares ! |
इसमें क्या है ? | What’s in it ? |
क्या तुमने सुना ? | Did you hear ? |
बिल्कुल चिंता मत करो । | Don’t worry at all. |
कोई खास बात नहीं है । | There is nothing special. |
क्या कोई खास बात है ? | Is there anything special ? |
मै पागल हो जाऊँगा । | I will go mad. |
तुम्हें चोट कैसे लगी ? | How did you get hurt ? |
ज्यादा नौटंकी मत करो । | Don’t gimmick too much. |
मैने ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया । | I didn’t do anything like this. |
तुमसे बहस करना ही बेकार है । | It’s useless to argue with you. |
तुम कैसे जाओगे ? | How will you go ? |
ये कब हुआ ? | When did it happen ? |
क्या हुआ तुम्हें ? | What’s wrong with you ? |
एक मक्खी मुझे परेशान कर रही है । | A fly is bothering me. |
मेरे रास्ते से हट जाओ । | Move out of my way. |
हो सके तो मुझे माफ कर देना । | Forgive me if possible. |
आपकी बड़ी मेहरबानी होगी । | It will be very kind of you. |
मै तुम्हारे बहानों से तंग आ गया हूँ । | I am fed up with your excuses. |
ये तो सोने पे सुहागा है । | This is the icing on the cake. |
फोन साइलेंट पे डालो । | Put the phone on silent mode. |
फोन स्पीकर पर डालो । | Put the phone on speaker mode. |
पड़ गई तुम्हारे कलेगे मे ठंडक ? | Are you relieved/satisfied now ? |
शुभ काम में देरी क्यों ? | Why delay something auspicious ? |
तुमने मुझे परेशान कर दिया । | You bothered me. |
उसने मुझे परेशान कर दिया । | He bothered me. |
तुम हमेशा मुझे परेशान करते हो । | You always bother me. |
वो हमेशा मुझे परेशान करता है । | He always bothers me. |
परेशान क्यों कर रहे हो ? | Why are you bothering me ? |
मै उसे बहुत परेशान किया करता था । | I used to bother him a lot. |
तुम मुझे बहुत परेशान किया करते थे । | You used to bother me a lot. |
ये कोई हँसने की बात नहीं है । | It’s no laughing matter. |
मुझे मत बताओ क्या करना है । | Don’t tell me what to do. |
तुमने मुझे गलत समझ लिया । | You misunderstood me. |
जो बिगाड़ सकते हो बिगाड़ लो । | Do your words. |
इसमे बुरा मानने वाली क्या बात है ? | What’s there to mind ? |
ये सिर्फ तुम्हारा वहम है । | It is just your imagination/illusion/misconcption. |
गड़े मुर्दे मत उखारो । | Don’t rip up old sores. |
वह फूट फूट कर रो रही है । | She is weeping bitterly. |
मुझे एक के बाद एक समस्याएँ आ रही है । | I am facing problems one after another. |
जो हुआ सो हुआ, आगे से ध्यान रखना । | Let bygones be bygones, take care in the future. |
कागज पर पैर मत रखना । | Don’t step on the paper. |
मुझे उसपर शक हो रहा है । | I am getting suspicious of him. |
मुझे इनलोगों पर शक हो रहा है । | I am getting suspicious of them. |
समय किसी का इंतजार नहीं करता । | Time and tide wait for none. |
मुझे तो सांस लेने तक की भी फुर्सत नहीं है । | I don’t even have a moment to breathe. |
मै क्या करूँ तो फिर ? | So then what do i do ? |
तुम भी आ जाओ तो फिर । | So then you also come. |
तो फिर जाओगे कब ? | So then when will you go ? |
तो फिर क्या सोचा तुमने ? | So then what did you think ? |
मै कुछ नहीं खाऊँगा तो फिर । | So then I will not eat anything. |
ज्यादा मत बोलो मेरे सामने । | Don’t speak much in front of me. |
जल्दी आओ, वो मेरे सामने है । | Come fast, he is in front of me. |
वो शीशे के सामने बैठ गई । | She set down in front of mirror. |
मै उसके घर के सामने खड़ा हूँ । | I am standing in front of his house. |
मै तुम्हारे घर के सामने खड़ा हूँ । तुम कहाँ हो ? | I am standing in front of your house, where are you? |
वो कहीं जा रहा है । | He is going somewhere. |
मै कहीं नहीं जा रहा हूँ । | I am not going anywhere. |
मै वहां किसी को नहीं जानता । | I don’t know anybody there. |
हम कहीं नहीं जा रहे हैं । | We are not going anywhere. |
मै कहीं और जा रहा हूँ । | I am going somewhere else. |
वो कहीं और जा रहा हूँ । | He is going somewhere else. |
कोई भी वहां नहीं जा रहा है । | Anybody has not going there. |
कोई आ रहा है । ( अनजान लोगों के लिए ) | Someone is coming. |
कोई आ रहा है । ( जान पहचान वालो के लिए ) | Somebody is coming. |
किसी ने मेरा पेन ले लिया । | Somebody has taken/stolen my pen. |
देखो, मै झूठ नहीं बोल रहा हूँ । | See/Look, i am not telling a lie. |
देखो, तुम्हें बताना पड़ेगा । | Look/See, you will have to tell. |
देखो, मै तुम्हारा दुश्मन नहीं हूँ । | See/Look, I am not your enemy. |
देखो, मै सच बोल रहा था ना ? | Look/See, I was telling the truth, wasn’t I ? |
देखो, बात ये है कि मेरा मूड नहीं है । | See/Look, the thing is that I am in no mood. |
मै अपना खर्चा खुद उठाता हूँ । | I bear my own expenses. |
वो एक के बाद एक गलतियाँ कर रहा है । | He is making mistakes one after another. |
तुम एक के बाद एक गलतियाँ कर रहे हो । | You are making mistakes one after another. |
कभी तो अपनी गलती मान लिया करो । | Do ever admit/accept your mistake. |
ठीक है, मै अपनी गलती मानता हूँ । | It’s okay, I admit/accept my mistake. |
तुम अपनी गलती कभी नहीं मानते हो । | You never admit/accept your mistake. |
वो अपनी गलती कभी नहीं मानता है । | He never admits/accepts his mistake. |
वो अपनी गलती मान रहा है । | He is admitting/accepting his mistake. |
मुझे पता है वो अपनी गलती कभी नहीं मानेगा । | I know, he will never accept his mistake. |
उसे अपनी गलती माननी पड़ेगी । | He will have to admit/accept his mistake. |
तुम्हें अपनी गलती माननी पड़ेगी । | You will have to admit/accept your mistake. |
बात मत करो । | Don’t talk. |
फिर सोच लो । | Think again. |
अभी निकलो । | Leave immediately. |
हल्ला मत करो । | Don’t make a noise. |
अंदर ही रहना । | Stay inside. |
दुखी मत हो । | Don’t be sad. |
अब ये क्या है ? | What is it now ? |
तुम्हारे पास अभी भी समय है । | You still have time. |
देर मत करना । | Don’t be late. |
हँसना बंद करो । | Stop laughing. |
इस तरफ से आओ । | Come this way. |
जो करना है करो । | Do whatever you want. |
जो सोचना है सोचो । | Think whatever you want. |
मेरी बात लिख लो । | Mark my words. |
मै पूछने ही वाला था । | I was about to ask. |
मै कहने ही वाला था । | I was about to say. |
मै बोलने ही वाला था । | I was about to speak. |
मै तुम्हें बता रहा हूँ । | I am telling you. |
अफवाहें मत फैलाओ । | Don’t spread rumors. |
मुझे शांति से सोने दो । | Let me sleep in peace. |
वो तुम्हारा काम है मेरा नहीं । | That’s your job/work not mine. |
वो तुम्हारा काम है उसका नहीं । | That’s your job/work not his. |
क्या चाहिए आपको ? | What do you need ? |
उसपर नजर रखना । | Keep an eye on him. |
कुछ भी नहीं । | Nothing. |
कब तक लौटा दोगे ? | By what time will you return it ? |
लार मत टपकाओ । | Don’t drool. |
मुझे और चाहिए । | I want more. |
मेरी नकल मत करो । | Don’t imitate me. |
शायद कल तक । | Maybe, by tomorrow. |
क्या तुम मेरी नकल कर रहे हो ? | Are you imitating me ? |
तुम तो बड़ी अच्छी ऐक्टिंग कर लेते हो | You act really well |
बुरा मत मानो । | Don’t get offended. |
मुझे घूरना बंद करो । | Stop staring at me. |
क्या मै आपके बगल मे बैठ सकता हूँ ? | Can I sit next to you ? |
ऐसा कुछ नहीं है । | It’s nothing like that. |
मैने तुमसे पहले ही कहा था । | I already told you. |
मेरे काम मे टाँग मत अड़ाओ । | Don’t interfere in my business. |
ये पागलपन है । | This is crazy. |
तुमको कुछ समझ मे भी आता है ? | Do you understand anything ? |
उसको कुछ समझ मे भी आता है ? | Does he understand anything ? |
जल्दी हटो । | Move quickly. |
वो खाना पका रही है । | She is cooking. |
यहाँ कैसे आना हुआ ? | What brings you here ? |
ध्यान से देखो, वहीं होगा । | Look properly, it must be there. |
तुमने गलत समझ लिया । | You have misunderstood. |
चलो कहीं और चलते हैं । | Let’s go somewhere else. |
तुमने अभी क्या कहा मुझे ? | What did you just say to me ? |
ये तो शुक्र है तुम आ गए । | Thankfully, you came. |
ये तो शुक्र है वहाँ कोई नहीं था । | Thankfully, no one was there. |
ये तो शुक्र है उसने हाँ कह दिया । | Thankfully, he said yes. |
ये तो शुक्र है किसी को चोट नहीं लगी । | Thankfully, no one got hurt. |
मै खाना बनाना जानता हूँ । | I know how to cook food. |
वह खाना बनाना जानता है । | H knows how to cook food. |
मैने तुरंत जबाब दिया । | I replied at once. |
मैने उसे तुरंत जबाब दिया । | I replied him at once. |
हमने तुरंत उसकी मदद की । | We helped him at once. |
कहना आसान है करना नहीं । | It is easier said than done. |
मै लौटा दूँगा । | I will return it. |
मुझे थोड़े पैसे चाहिए । | I need some money. |
मिनट मे आ जाऊँगा । | I will be back by minutes. |
किसी ने कुछ कहा तुम्हें ? | Did anybody say anything to you ? |
तुम बिना बात के परेशान हो रहे हो । | You are worrying unnecessarily. |
झूठ मत बोलो । | Don’t tell a lie. |
वो झूठ बोल रहा है । | He is lying. |
मुझसे झूठ मत बोलो । | Don’t lie to me. |
उसने मुझसे झूठ बोला । | He lied to me. |
झूठ क्यों बोल रहे हो ? | Why are you lying. |
झूठ बोलने की कोशिश मत करो । | Don’t try to lie. |
जले पर नमक मत छिड़को । | Don’t add insult to injury. |
जले पर नमक क्यों छिड़क रहे हो ? | Why are you adding insult to injury ? |
जले पर नमक छिड़कने की कोशिश मत करो । | Don’t try to add insult to injury. |
यहाँ लगातार बारिश हो रही है । | It’s raining here continuously. |
हमने लगातार फोन पर बात की । | We talk over the phone continuously. |
वो लगातार मुझे देख रही थी । | She was looking at me continuously. |
तुम्हें लगातार अभ्यास करना पड़ेगा । | You will have to practice continuously. |
कभी तो सुन लिया करो । | Do ever listen. |
कभी तो हँस लिया करो । | Do ever laugh. |
कभी तो मास्क लगा लिया करो । | Do ever wear a mask. |
कभी तो टाइम से आ जाया करो । | Do ever come on time. |
कभी तो प्यार से बात कर लिया करो । | Do ever talk politely. |
कभी तो ( मुझे ) कॉल कर लिया करो । | Do ever call me. |
कभी तो समझने की कोशिश किया करो । | Do ever try to understand. |
कभी तो उससे प्यार से बात कर लिया करो । | Do ever talk to him politely. |
कभी तो मुझसे प्यार से बात कर लिया करो । | Do ever talk to me politely. |
इसे धो दो । | Wash it. |
आगे जाओ । | Go ahead. |
यहाँ ध्यान दो। | Focus here. |
कह नहीं सकते । | Can’t say. |
बहस मत करो । | Don’t argue. |
देर मत करना । | Don’t be late. |
बस थोड़ा सा । | Just a little/bit. |
हँसना बंद करो । | Stop laughing. |
मै इसे लौटा दूँगा । | I will return it. |
इस तरफ से आओ । | Come this way. |
तुम्हारा ध्यान किधर है ? | Where is your attention ? |
मै थोड़ी देर मे आ रहा हूँ । | I am coming in a while. |
मुझे तुमसे बात ही नहीं करनी है । | I don’t want to talk to you. |
मुझे अपने मगरमच्छ के आंसु मत दिखाओ । | Don’t show me your crocodile tears. |
क्या तुम्हें यकीन है ? | Are you sure ? |
क्या तुम्हें यकीन है वो यहाँ रहता है ? | Are you sure he lives here ? |
क्या तुम्हें यकीन है कि ये वो ही है ? | Are you sure that it is the same ? |
क्या तुम्हें यकीन है कि वो फिर से आयेगा ? | Are you sure that he will come again ? |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा करो । | Do as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा सुनो । | Listen as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा बोलो । | Speak as I say. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा लिखो । | Write as I say. |
जितना लेना है ले लो । | Take as much as you want. |
तुम्हें जितना खाना है खा लो । | Eat as much as you want. |
तुम्हें जितना बोलना है बोल लो । | Speak as much as you want. |
जितना हँसना है हँस लो । | Laugh as much as you want. |
यह तुम्हारा काम है मेरा नहीं । | It’s your work not mine. |
यह उसका काम है मेरा नहीं । | It’s his work not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी duty है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your duty not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी परेशानी है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your problem not mine. |
यह उनलोगों का काम है हमारा नहीं । | It’s their work not mine. |
यह तुम्हारी जिम्मेदारी है मेरी नहीं । | It’s your responsibility not mine. |
तुम किसके साथ हो ? | Whom are you with ? |
तुम किससे बात कर रही हो ? | Whom are you talking to ? |
तुम किसके साथ जा रहे हो ? | Whom are you going with ? |
तुम किसका इंतजार कर रहे हो ? | Whom are you waiting for ? |
तुम किसकी बात कर रहे हो ? | Whom are you talking about ? |
ये लो तुम्हारे बाकी पैसे । | Here is your rest of the money. |
क्या तुम्हें अब भी मुझ पर शक है ? | Are you still suspicious of me ? |
क्या तुम अब भी उससे प्यार करते हो ? | Do you still love her ? |
क्या तुम अब भी मुझसे नफरत करती हो ? | Do you still hate me ? |
क्या तुम अब भी उस पर भरोसा करते हो ? | Do you still trust on him ? |
आज तुमने क्या क्या किया ? | What all did you do today ? |
आज तुमने क्या क्या खाया ? | What all did you eat today ? |
उसने मेरे बारे में क्या क्या कहा ? | What all did he say about me ? |
तुम उसके बारे में क्या क्या जानते हो ? | What all do you know about him ? |
मै ट्रैफिक में फस गया हूँ । | I am stuck in traffic. |
मुझे ऊंगली मत दिखाओ । | Don’t show me your finger. |
तुम उसकी बातों में फंस जाओगे । | You will stuck in his talks. |
इंसान होने के नाते ये हमारा फर्ज है । | Being human this is our duty. |
एक दोस्त होने के नाते मै ये तुमसे बोल रहा हूँ । | Being a friend I am talking this to you. |
वो नखरें करती है । | She throws tantrums. |
नखरें करना बंद करो । | Stop throwing tantrums. |
वो नखरें कर रही है । | She is throwing tantrums |
तुम बहुत नखरें करते हो । | You throw tantrums a lot. |
मुझे नखरे मत दिखाओ । | Don’t throw tantrums to me. |
नखरे मत दिखाओ/करो । | Don’t throw tantrums. |
तुम हमेशा नखरें करती/दिखाती हो ? | You always throw tantrums ? |
वो बहुत नखरें दिखाया करती थी । | She used to throw tantrums a lot. |
नखरें क्यों दिखा/कर रहे हो ? | Why are you throwing tantrums ? |
वो मुझे नखरे दिखा रही थी । | She was throwing tantrums to me. |
मै ऊपर हूँ । | I am upstairs. |
मै नीचे हूँ । | I am downstairs. |
ऊपर चले जाओ । | Go upstairs. |
नीचे चले जाओ । | Go downstairs. |
ऊपर आ जाओ । | Come upstairs. |
नीचे आ जाओ । | Come downstairs. |
मै छत पर हूँ । | I am on the roof. |
वो छत पर है । | He is on the roof. |
मै अपने घर में हूँ । | I am in my house. |
वो अपने कमरे में है । | He is in his room. |
मुझे इसमें मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag me into it. |
उसे इस मामले में मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag him into it. |
मुझे इस बात में मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag me into this matter. |
मुझे इसमें क्यों घसीट रहे हो ? | Why are you dragging me into it ? |
मुझे इन सब में घसीटना बंद करो । | Stop dragging me into these all. |
उसको इसमें क्यों घसीट रहे हो ? | Why are you dragging him into it ? |
वो हमें इस मामले में घसीट रहा है । | He is dragging us into this matter. |
उसे इसमें मत घसीटना । उसने कुछ नहीं किया । | Don’t drag him into it, he didn’t do anything. |
मुझे इसमें मत घसीटो, मैने कुछ नहीं किया है । | Don’t drag me into it, I haven’t done anything. |
मै तुम्हें क्यों बताऊँ | Why do I tell you |
मै तुम्हारी बात क्यों मानूँ | Why do I obey you |
मै उसे कैसे भूल जाऊँ ? | How do i forget him ? |
मै तुम्हें कैसे याद दिलाऊँ । | How do I remind you. |
मै कैसे तुमपर भरोसा करूँ ? | How do I trust you ? |
मै तुम्हें कैसे समझाऊँ ? | How do I make you understand |
ज्यादा भाव मत दो उसे । | Don’t give much importance. |
मै किसी को ज्यादा भाव नहीं देता । | I don’t give much importance to anyone. |
मै ऐसे लोगों को ज्यादा भाव नहीं देता । | I don’t give much importance to such people. |
यह इतना महंगा नहीं है जितना लगता है । | It is not as costly as it seems. |
वो इतना बुरा नहीं है जितना मै सोच रहा था । | He is not as bad as i was thinking. |
तुम इतनी सीधी नहीं हो जितनी लगती हो । | You are not as innocent as you look. |
ये इतना आसान नहीं है जितना तुम सोच रहे हो । | It is not as easy as you are thinking. |
वो इतना बुरा नहीं था जितना हम सोच रहे थें । | He was not as bad as we were thinking. |
सबकुछ मेरे सर के ऊपर से चला गया । | Everything went over my head. |
सब कुछ मेरे सर के ऊपर से जा रहा है । | Everything is going over my head. |
मजे करो । | Enjoy yourself. |
यह कितने का है । | How much is it ? |
यें कितने के हैं । | How much are these ? |
क्या आप उसे दोहरायेंगे ? | Could you please repeat that ? |
वास्तव में समय लगता है । | It really take time. |
मुसीबत खड़ी मत करो । | Don’t cause trouble. |
यह कब बंद होता है । | When does it close ? |
मुझे गलत मत समझो । | Don’t get me wrong. |
हो सकता है वो सो गया हो । | May be he has slept. |
हो सकता है वो चला गया हो । | May be he has gone. |
हो सकता है उसे पता चल गया हो । | May be he has come to know. |
हो सकता है वो दोनो पहुंच गये हो । | May be they both have reached. |
हो सकता है उसे कोई और मिल गया हो । | May be she has got someone else. |
अभी भी टाइम है, आ जाओ । | There is still time, come. |
अभी भी टाइम है, रोक लो उसे । | There is still time, stop him. |
अभी भी टाइम है, मान जाओ मेरी बात । | There is still time, obey me. |
अभी भी टाइम है, खा लो कुछ । | There is still time, eat something. |
अभी भी टाइम है, भर दो फॉर्म । | There is still time, fill the form. |
अभी भी टाइम है, कुछ कर लो । | There is still time, do something. |
अभी भी टाइम है, सच बता दो मुझे । | There is still time, tell me the truth. |
अभी भी टाइम है, सुधर जाओ । | There is still time, mend your ways. |
इतराओ मत । | Don’t flaunt. |
तुम हमेशा इतराते हो । | You always flaunt. |
ज्यादा इतराओ मत । | Don’t flaunt too much. |
इतरा क्यों रहे हो ? | Why are you flaunting ? |
बहुत इतरा रहे हो तुम । | You are flaunting too much. |
बहुत इतराने लगे हो तुम । | You have started flaunting a lot. |
कल तो तुम बहुत इतरा रहे थे । | You were flaunting too much yesterday. |
इतराना बंद करो । | Stop flaunting. |
मै कभी नहीं इतराता । | I never flaunt. |
वो हर बात पर इतराती है । | She flaunts on every matter. |
इतराना तो कोई तुमसे सीखें । | One should learn flaunting from you. |
देखोगें तो नहीं ना ? | You will not see, will you ? |
मना तो नहीं करोगे ना ? | You will not deny, will you ? |
किसीको बताओगे तो नहीं ना ? | You will not tell anyone, will you ? |
कुछ बोलोगे तो नहीं ना ? | You will not speak anything, will you ? |
ये टूटेगा तो नहीं ना ? | It will not break, will it ? |
गड़बड़ तो नहीं करोगे ना ? | You will not mess up, will you ? |
वो पैसे तो नहीं मांगेगा ना ? | He will not ask for money, will he ? |
मुझे अकेला छोड़कर तो नहीं जाओगे ना ? | You will not leave me alone, will you ? |
रोओगे तो नहीं ना ? | You will not cry, will you ? |
दोबारा तो नहीं पूछोगे ना ? | You will not ask again, will you ? |
मुझे अकेले तो नहीं जाना पड़ेगा ना ? | I will not have to go alone, will I ? |
परेशान तो नहीं करोगे ना ? | You will not bother me, will you ? |
उसने देखा तो नहीं ना ? | He did not see, did he ? |
उसने मना तो नहीं किया ना ? | He did not deny, did he ? |
मैने तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं किया ना ? | I did not bother you, did I ? |
उसने गड़़बर तो नहीं की ना ? | He did not mess up, did he ? |
तुमने किसी को बताया तो नहीं ना ? | You did not tell anyone, did you ? |
उसने कुछ बोला तो नहीं ना ? | He did not speak anything, did he ? |
वो मना तो नहीं कर रहा ना ? | He is not denying, is he ? |
मै तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं कर रहा ना ? | I am not bothering you, am i ? |
वो पैसे तो नहीं मांग रहा ना ? | He is not asking for money, is he ? |
वो कुछ कह तो नहीं रही ना ? | She is not saying anything, is she ? |
बच्चे रो तो नहीं रहे ना ? | Children are not crying, are children ? |
वो मना तो नहीं कर रहा था ना ? | He was not denying, was he ? |
वो तुम्हें परेशान तो नहीं कर रहा था ना ? | He was not bothering you, was he ? |
वो कुछ कहता तो नहीं है ना ? | He does not say anything, does he ? |
पापा कुछ कह तो नहीं रहे थे ना ? | Father was not saying anything, was father ? |
काश हम ना मिले होते । | I wish we would not have met. |
काश वो ना आया होता । | I wish he would not have come. |
काश मैने तुम्हें नहीं बताया होता । | I wish I would not have told you. |
काश मैने उसे बता दिया होता । | I wish I would have told him/her. |
काश मै वहाँ ना गया होता । | I wish i would not have gone there. |
बिल्कुल नहीं । | Absolutely not. |
सुनकर अच्छा लगा । | Glad to hear that. |
यह आप पर निर्भर करता है । | It’s up to you. |
आप मेरा समय बर्बाद कर रहे हैं । | You are wasting my time. |
मुझे उससे घंटा फर्क नहीं पड़ता । | I don’t give a damn about him. |
काश मै वहाँ चला गया होता । | I wish I would have gone there. |
काश मै वहाँ रूक गया होता । | I wish I would have stayed there. |
काश तुमने मेहनत कर ली होती । | I wish you would have worked hard. |
काश तुमने मुझसे बोल दिया होता । | I wish you would have spoken to me. |
काश हम उससे पहले ही मिल लिये होते । | I wish we would have met him beforehand. |
जो भी कहो । | Whatever you say. |
कुछ भी कहो, तुम हो बहुत तेज । | Whatever you say, you are very clever. |
कुछ भी कहो, उसने कभी मना नहीं किया । | Whatever you say, he never denied/refused. |
कुछ भी कहो, उसने मेहनत बहुत की है । | Whatever you say, he has worked hard a lot. |
कुछ भी कहो, Enjoy बहुत किया हमने । | Whatever you say, we enjoyed a lot. |
कुछ भी कहो, वो प्यार बहुत करती है मुझसे । | Whatever you say, she loves me a lot. |
कुछ भी कहो, वो कभी झूठ नहीं बोलती । | Whatever you say, she never tells a lie. |
कुछ भी कहो, वो है बहुत सुंदर । | Whatever you say, she is very beautiful. |
कुछ भी कहो, वो था बहुत सीधा । | Whatever you say, he was very innocent. |
कुछ भी कहो, वो बहुत अच्छा इंसान है । | Whatever you say, he is very good person. |
पूछो क्या पूछना है। | Ask what you want to. |
पूछो जो पूछना है । | Ask what you want to. |
कहो क्या कहना है। | Say what you want to. |
कहो जो कहना है । | Say what you want to. |
बताओ क्या बताना है। | Tell what you want to. |
बताओ जो बताना है । | Tell what you want to. |
बोलो क्या बोलना है। | Speak what you want to. |
बोलो जो बोलना है । | Speak what you want to. |
लेलो क्या लेना है। | Take what you want to. |
लेलो जो लेना है । | Take what you want to. |
देख लो क्या देखना है। | See what you want to. |
देख लो जो देखना है । | See what you want to. |
खरीद लो क्या खरीदना है। | Buy what you want to. |
खरीद लो जो खरीदना है । | Buy what you want to. |
पूछो क्या पूछना था। | Ask what you wanted to. |
पूछो जो पूछना था । | Ask what you wanted to. |
कहो क्या कहना था। | Say what you wanted to. |
कहो जो कहना था । | Say what you wanted to. |
बताओ क्या बताना था। | Tell what you wanted to. |
बताओ जो बताना था । | Tell what you wanted to. |
बोलो क्या बोलना था। | Speak what you wanted to. |
बोलो जो बोलना था । | Speak what you wanted to. |
लेलो क्या लेना है। | Take what you wanted to. |
लेलो जो लेना है । | Take what you wanted to. |
देख लो क्या देखना है। | See what you wanted to. |
देख लो जो देखना है । | See what you wanted to. |
खरीद लो क्या खरीदना है। | Buy what you wanted to. |
खरीद लो जो खरीदना है । | Buy what you wanted to. |
अब पूछो क्या पूछना है। | Now Ask what you want to. |
अब पूछो जो पूछना है । | Now Ask what you want to. |
अब कहो क्या कहना है। | Now Say what you want to. |
अब कहो जो कहना है । | Now Say what you want to. |
अब बताओ क्या बताना है। | Now Tell what you want to. |
अब बताओ जो बताना है । | Not Tell what you want to. |
अब बोलो क्या बोलना है। | Now Speak what you want to. |
अब बोलो जो बोलना है । | Now Speak what you want to. |
और क्या करता तो फिर ? | What else could I do then ? |
और कहाँ जाता तो फिर ? | Where else could I go then ? |
और किससे कहता तो फिर ? | Whom else could I say then ? |
और क्या बोलता तो फिर ? | What else could I speak then ? |
और किसके साथ जाता तो फिर ? | Whom else could I go with then ? |
साफ साफ बताओ मुझे । | Tell me clearly. |
इस बार उससे साफ साफ पूछ लेना । | This time ask him clearly. |
साफ साफ नहीं बोल सकते क्या तुम ? | Can’t you speak clearly ? |
साफ साफ बोलो जो भी बोलना है । | Speak clearly whatever you have to. |
मैने उसे बिल्कुल साफ साफ कह दिया । | I said to him very clearly. |
उसने सबकुछ बिल्कुल साफ साफ बता दिया । | He told everything very clearly. |
आप सबकुछ बिल्कुल साफ साफ पढातें हैं । | You teach everything very clearly. |
अबतक तो तुम चले गये होते । | You would have gone by now. |
अबतक तो मै तैयार हो चुका होता । | I would have got ready by now. |
अबतक तो हम पहुंच गये होते । | We would have reached by now. |
अबतक तो मै सारा काम कर चुका होता । | I would have done all the work by now. |
मेरी बात करवा देना उससे । | Make me talk to him. |
उसकी बात करवा देना मुझसे । | Make him talk to me. |
मै तुम्हारी बात करवा दूंगा उससे । | I will make you talk to him. |
मै उसकी बात करवा दूंगा तुमसे । | I will make him talk to him. |
क्या तुम उससे मेरी बात करवा सकते हो ? | Can you make me talk to him ? |
तुम्हें मुझसे बात करवा देनी चाहिए थी उसकी । | You should have made him talk to me. |
वो चाहता है कि मै उसकी बात करवा दूं तुमसे । | He wants that I make him talk to you. |
वो खाती बहुत है । | She eats a lot. |
वो हँसती बहुत है । | She laughs a lot. |
वो रोता बहुत था । | He used to cry a lot. |
वो हँसता बहुत था । | He used to laugh a lot. |
वो बोलती बहुत थी । | She used to speak a lot. |
वो नखरे बहुत दिखाती थी । | She used to throw tantrums a lot. |
तुम रोते बहुत हो । | You cry a lot. |
तुम बोलते बहुत हो । | You speak a lot. |
तुम इतराते बहुत हो । | You flaunt a lot. |
तुम बहस बहुत करते हो । | You argue a lot. |
तुम झूठ बहुत बोलते हो । | You tell a lie a lot. |
लड़के भाव बहुत खाते हैं । | Boys act pricey a lot. |
लड़कियां भाव बहुत खाती है । | Girls act pricey a lot. |
ये बच्चें चिल्लाते बहुत हैं | These children shout a lot |
तुम सोचते बहुत हो, जल्दी करो । | You think a lot, Do fast. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना करना था । | That was not the way to do. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना लगाना था । | That was not the way to put. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना करते हैं । | This is not the way to do. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना कहते हैं । | This is not the way to say. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना खाते हैं । | This is not the way to eat. |
ऐसे थोड़ी ना खाते हैं इसे । | This is not the way to eat this. |
हिसाब रखा करो । | Keep a track. |
ज्यादा भोली मत बनो ! | Don’t act so cute ! |
तुम बहुत बदल गए हो । | You have changed a lot. |
सब कितना फीका फीका है । | Everything is so dull. |
मेरे पास और कोई चारा/रास्ता नहीं था । | I had no other choice/option. |
समय देखो । | Look at the time. |
मुर्गा बनो । | Crouch like a chicken. |
पैर मत घसीटो । | Don’t drag your feet. |
तुम बहुत चाय पीते हो । | You drink a lot of tea. |
मुझे आना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ? | I will not have to come, will I ? |
मुझे पैसे तो नहीं देने पड़ेगे ना ? | I will not have to give money, will I ? |
मुझे कुछ करना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ? | I will not have to do anything, will I ? |
मुझे दोबारा तो नहीं आना पड़ेगा ना ? | I will not have to come again, will I ? |
हमें उसको बुलाना तो नहीं पड़ेगा ना ? | We will not have to invite him, will we ? |
मुझे और कुछ तो नहीं लाना पड़ेगा ना ? | I will not have to bring anything else, will I ? |
मुझे उसको बुलाना पड़ेगा ना ? | I will have to invite him, won’t I ? |
हमे दोबारा आना पड़ेगा ना ? | We will have to come again, won’t we ? |
कोई बात नहीं बेटा । | No issue beta. |
कोई बात नहीं, ठीक है । | No issue, it’s okay. |
कोई बात नहीं, जाने दो उसे । | No issue, let him/her go. |
कोई बात नहीं, मै खुद कर लूंगा । | No issue, I will do myself./ |
कोई बात नहीं, फिर कभी चलेंगे । | No issue, we will go some other time./ |
कोई बात नहीं, पैसे बाद मे दे देना । | No issue, give money later. |
कोई बात नहीं, एक और लेलो । | No issue, take one more. |
कोई बात नहीं, मै आपकी हेल्प करूंगा । | No issue, I will help you. |
कोई बात नहीं, मै इसे change कर दूंगा । | No issue, I will change this. |
हो सकता है वो पागल हो । | May be his is mad. |
हो सकता है वो झूठ बोल रही हो । | May be she is telling a lie. |
हो सकता है वो हमसे पहले पहुंच गये हो । | May be they have reached before us. |
हो सकता है उसने ये बात कही ही ना हो । | May be he has not said this/this thing. |
ध्यान से जाना । | Go carefully. |
ध्यान से सुनो । | Listen carefully. |
ध्यान से गाड़ी चलाना । | Drive carefully. |
धयान से रखो इसे । | Put this carefully. |
मै पता करता हूँ । | I find out. |
मै पता लगा लूँगा । | I will find out. |
मैनें पता लगा लिया है । | I have found out. |
मै पता लगा रहा हूँ । | I am finding out. |
मै पता करके बताता हूँ । | I will tell you after finding out. |
ये बिल्कुल अच्छा नहीं है । | This is not good at all. |
मैने ये बिल्कुल नहीं सोचा था । | I didn’t think this at all. |
मै बिल्कुल नहीं सोया । | I didn’t sleep at all. |
वो बिल्कुल भी खुश नहीं थी । | She was not happy at all. |
मुझे ये बिल्कुल भी पसंद नहीं है । | I don’t like it at all. |
मुझे बिल्कुल भी भूख नहीं लग रही है । | I am not feeling hungry at all. |
चुपचाप खा लो । | Eat quietly. |
चुपचाप बैठ जाओ । | Sit quietly. |
वो चुपचाप जा रहा था । | He was going quietly. |
चुपचाप चले जाओ यहाँ से । | Go from here quietly. |
अब मै चुपचाप नहीं बैठूंगा । | Now I will not sit quietly. |
चुपचाप नहीं बैठ सकते क्या तुम ? | Can’t you sit quietly ? |
चुपचाप क्यों बैठे हो ? | Why are you sitting quietly? |
चुपचाप आ जाओ, मना मत करो | Come quietly, don’t refuse. |
कसम से मुझे नहीं पता । | I swear, I don’t know. |
कसम से यहाँ कोई नहीं है । | I swear noone is here. |
कसम से वो झूठ बोल रहा है । | I swear, he is telling a lie. |
कसम से, मै किसी को नहीं बताऊंगा | I swear, I will not tell anyone. |
कसम से मुझे कुछ नहीं पता । | I swear, I don’t know anything. |
कसम से मै सच बोल रहा हूँ । | I swear, I am speaking the truth. |
कसम से मै वहां कभी नहीं गई । | I awsar, I have never been there. |
कसम से मै सिगरेट नहीं पीता । | I swear, I don’t smoke cigarettee. |
मजाक की भी एक हद होती है । | There is a limit of joke too. |
झूठ बोलने की भी एक हद होती है । | There is a limit of lying too. |
हर चीज की एक हद होती है । | There is a limit of everything. |
बोलने की भी एक हद होती है । | There is a limit of speaking too. |
बर्दाश्त करने की भी एक हद होती है । | There is a limit of tolerating too. |
उसका मजाक उड़ाना बंद करो । | Stop making fun of him. |
मैने उसका मजाक नहीं उड़ाया । | I don’t make fun of him/her. |
तुम हमेशा मेरा मजाक उड़ाते हो । | You always make fun of me. |
कल उसने मेरा मजाक उड़ाया । | He made fun of me yesterday. |
मेरा मतलब तुम्हारा मजाक उड़ाना नहीं था । | I didn’t mean to make fun of you. |
उसका मजाक क्यो उड़ा रहे हो । | Why are you making fun of him ? |
ज्यादा से ज्यादा क्या होगा । | What will happen at most. |
ज्यादा से ज्यादा वह मुझे गोली मार देगा । | He will shoot me at most. |
ज्यादा से ज्यादा वह मुझसे बात नहीं करेगी । | She will not talk to me at most. |
ज्यादा से ज्यादा वो मुझे नौकरी से निकाल देगा । | He will fire me at most. |
दिल्ली में कहाँ ? | Where in delhi ? |
बिहार में कहाँ ? | Where in bihar ? |
आप क्या करते हैं ? | What do you do ? |
मुंबई में कहाँ ? | Where in mumbai ? |
मै आपके लिए क्या कर सकता हूँ ? | What can I do for you ? |
तुमने तो मेरे दिल की बात कह दी । | You have spoken out of my heart. |
मै ये मौका नहीं गवाना चाहता । | I don’t want to lose this opportunity. |
जल्दी क्या है बैठो जरा । | What’s the hurry, sit down for a while. |
फिर बाद मे मत कहना कि मै भी जाऊँगा । | Then don’t say later that I will also go. |
फिर बाद मे मत कहना कि मुझे नहीं पता । | Then don’t say later that I don’t know. |
फिर बाद मे मत कहना कि तुमने बताया नहीं । | Then don’t say later that you didn’t tell. |
मैने पूरी कोशिश की । | I tried my best. |
मै पूरी कोशिश करूंगा । | I will try my best. |
मैने उसे बचाने की पूरी कोशिश की । | I tried my best to save him. |
मै समय पर पहुँचने की पूरी कोशिश करूंगा । | I will try my best to reach on time. |
मैने उसे समझाने की पूरी कोशिश की । | I tried my best to make him understand. |
मै तुम्हारा काम करवाने की पूरी कोशिश करूंगा । | I will try my best to get your work done. |
इससे पहले कि हम लेट हो जाए, जल्दी चलो । | Go fast before we get late. |
मजाक मे मत लो । | Don’t take it as a joke. |
उसने ये सब मजाक मे ले लिया । | He took this all as a joke. |
वो मुझे मजाक में ले रहा था । | He was taking me as a joke. |
उसने मेरी बात को मजाक मे ले लिया । | He took my words as a joke. |
तुम हर बात को मजाक में मत लिया करो । | You don’t take everything as a joke. |
तुम हर बात को मजाक मे क्यों ले लेते हो ? | Why do you take everything as a joke ? |
हमे हर बात को मजाक में नहीं लेना चाहिए । | We should not take everything as a joke. |
थोड़ा थोड़ा करके खाना । | Eat little by little. |
थोड़ा थोड़ा करके लाना । | Bring little by little. |
थोड़ा थोड़ा करके तुमने सारा खतम कर दिया । | You have finished all little by little. |
थोड़ा थोड़ा करके सब समझ जाओगे । | You will understand everything little by little. |
ये क्या बतमिजी है । | What the hell. |
होते कौन हो तुम ? | Who the hell are you ? |
कितने बेशर्म हो तुम । | How shameless you are. |
देखने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to see. |
सुनने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to listen. |
पूछने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to ask. |
बोलने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to speak. |
कहने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to say. |
ट्री करने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to try. |
बात करने में क्या जाता है । | What goes to talk. |
पूछने में कुछ नहीं जाता । | Nothing goes to ask. |
ट्री करने मे कुछ नहीं जाता । | Nothing goes to try. |
बात करने में कुछ नहीं जाता । | Nothing goes to talk. |
अंत भला तो सब भला । | All is well that’s ends well. |
तुमने बहुत बढिया काम किया है । | You have done a great job. |
उसने एक शब्द तक नहीं बोला । | He didn’t speak even a word. |
कोई जरूरत नहीं है । | There is no need. |
कोई जरूरत नहीं है उसे बुलाने की । | There is no need to call him. |
कोई जरूरत नहीं है वहां जाने की । | There is no need to go there. |
कोई जरूरत नहीं है उससे बात करने की । | There is no need to talk to him. |
तुम्हें मिर्ची लग रही है क्या | Are you getting jaleous ? |
तुम्हें मिर्ची क्यों लग रही है ? | Why are you getting jealous ? |
उसे हर बात पर मिर्ची लगती है । | He gets jealous on every matter. |
जरूरत क्या थी ? | What was the need ? |
क्या जरूरत थी बोलने की ? | What was the need to speak ? |
क्या जरूरत थी वहां जाने की ? | What was the need to go there ? |
क्या जरूरत थी उसे बताने की ? | What was the need to tell him ? |
क्या जरूरत थी उसे फोन करने की ? | What was the need to call him up ? |
जरूरत क्या है ? | What is the need ? |
क्या जरूरत है वहां जाने की ? | What is the need to go there ? |
क्या जरूरत है उसे बताने की ? | What is the need to tell him ? |
क्या जरूरत है उसे फोन करने की ? | What is the need to call him up ? |
क्या जरूरत है सबको बुलाने की ? | What is the need to call everyone ? |
मुझे क्यों मिर्ची लगेगी ? | Why will I get jealous ? |
पता नहीं तुम्हें क्यों मिर्ची लग रही है । | I don’t know why you are getting jealous. |
लगता है तुम्हें कुछ ज्यादा ही मिर्ची लग रही है । | It seems that you are getting jealous a lot. |
फिर कभी चलेंगे । | We will go some other time. |
फिर कभी आऊँगा मै । | I will come some other time. |
फिर कभी बता देना उसे । | Tell him some other time. |
फिर कभी देख लेना । | See/watch some other time. |
मै तुम्हें फिर कभी बताऊंगा । | I will tell you some other time. |
क्या तुम फिर कभी आ सकते हो ? | Can you come some other time ? |
तुम फिर कभी आना । | You come some other time. |
मै फिर कभी देखूंगा । | I will watch some other time. |
हम फिर कभी मिलेंगे । | We will meet some other time. |
हम इस बारे मे फिर कभी बात करेंगे । | We will talk about this some other time. |
वैसे भी मै नहीं जा रहा । | Anyway I am not going. |
वैसे भी इसकी कोई जरूरत नहीं है । | By the way also it’s not required. |
वैसे भी वो झूठ बोल रहा था । | By the way also he was telling a lie. |
वैसे भी मेरा मन नहीं था इसे खरीदने का । | By the way also I was in no mood to buy this. |
वैसे भी तुम बहुत बोलते हो । | By the way also you speak a lot. |
वैसे भी मुझे आना पड़ेगा । | By the way also I will have to come. |
वैसे भी उसने कुछ नहीं कहा । | By the way also he didn’t say anything. |
वैसे भी मै आने की सोच रहा था । | By the way also I was thinking to come. |
तुम मेरे लिए कुछ ना ही करो तो अच्छा है । | It is good if you do nothing for me. |
तुम उसके बारे मे बात ना ही करो तो अच्छा है । | It is good if you don’t talk about him. |
तुम मुझसे बहस ना ही करो तो अच्छा है । | It is good if you don’t argue with me. |
हिम्मत मत हारो । | Don’t lose courage. |
तुम हिम्मत मत हारना । | You don’t lose your courage. |
मै हिम्मत हारने वाला नहीं हूँ । | I am not going to lose courage. |
तुम तो अभी से हिम्मत हार गये । | You have already lose your courage. |
मै हिम्मत हारने वालो मे से नहीं हूँ । | I am not one of those who lose courage. |
ना वो आया ना मै गया । | Neither he came, nor I went. |
ना उसने कुछ कहा ना मैने कुछ कहा । | Neither he said anything nor I said anything. |
ना उसने कुछ बोला ना मैने कुछ बोला । | Neither he spoke anything nor I spoke anything. |
मै मजाक के मूड मे नहीं हूँ । | I am in no mood for joke. |
मै मजाक करने के मूड मे नहीं हूँ । | I am in no mood to joke. |
मै तुमसे बहस करने के मूड मूड मे नहीं हूँ । | I am in no mood to argue with you. |
लगता है आज तुम लड़ने के मूड मे हो ? | It seems that you are in mood to fight today ? |
लगता है कि तुम आज पिटने के मूड में हो । | It seems that you are in mood to be beaten today. |
कोई और काम नहीं है क्या तुम्हें ? | Don’t you have other work. |
बस बहुत हुआ अब चुप हो जाओ । | Enough is enough keep quiet now. |
बस बहुत हुआ अब मुझे मेरे पैसे दो । | Enough is enough give me my money now. |
जब देखो तुम बहाने बनाती रहती हो । | Whenever it is seen you keep making excuses. |
मै वहीं तो जा रहा हूँ । | That’s where I am going. |
मै यही तो सोच रहा हूँ । | That’s what I am thinking. |
मै यही तो बोल रहा हूँ । | That’s what I am speaking. |
मै तुम्हें यही तो बता रहा हूँ । | That’s what I am telling you. |
मै तुम्हें यही तो समझा रहा हूँ । | That’s what I am making you understand. |
मै तुम्हें यही तो समझाने की कोशिश रहा हूँ । | That’s what I am trying to maka you understand. |
इसी बहाने वो कमरे में घुस गया । | On this pretext he entered the room. |
इसी बहाने हम भी चाय पी लेंगे । | On this pretext we will also have tea. |
इसी बहाने मै तुमसे मिल भी लूँगा । | On this pretext I will meet you as well. |
इसी बहाने हम तुम्हारा घर भी देख लेंगें । | On this pretext we will see your home as well. |
इसी बहाने हम एक दूसरे को जान लेंगे । | On this pretext we will get to know each other. |
मुझे उसपर दया आती है । | I feel pity for him. |
मुझे उसपर दया आ रही थी । | I was feeling pity for him. |
मै नहीं जा पाऊँगा । | I won’t be able to go. |
जैसा मै कहता हूँ वैसा करो । | Do as i say. |
जैसा तुमनें कहा मैनें वैसा ही किया । | I did as you said. |
बुरा मत मानो ! | Don’t get offended ! |
वह अभी भी गुस्से मे है । | He is still angry. |
आपको क्या चाहिए ? | What do you need ? |
ज्यादा होशियार मत बनो । | Don’t be over smart. |
ज्यादा नौटंकी मत करो । | Don’t gimmick too much. |
उसे हल्का हल्का बुखार है । | He has a mild fever. |
यह तो होना ही था । | It was bound to happen. |
वह मेरे बगल मे रहता है । | He lives next door to me. |
यह आपको शोभा नहीं देता । | This doesn’t behove you. |
तुम मुझे गलत समझ रहे हो । | You are taking me wrong. |
तुम्हें निराश होने की जरूरत नहीं है । | You needn’t despair. |
तुम्हें कल आने की जरूरत नहीं है । | You needn’t come tomorrow. |
स्वयं को काबू मे रखो । | Control yourself. |
वह खुद मेरे पास आया था । | He himself came to me. |
कहाँ से मिला यह तुमको ? | Where did you get it from ? |
तुम्हारी पढाई कैसी चल रही है ? | How is your study going on ? |
माफ करना मैंने तुमपर शक किया | I am sorry, i doubted you. |
माफ करना मुझसे गलती हो गई । | I am sorry, i made a mistake. |
माफ करना मैंने तुम्हें पहचाना नहीं । | I am sorry, i didn’t recognise you. |
माफ करना मैंने तुम्हारी बातों पर शक किया । | I am sorry, i doubted your words. |
मै जल्दी मे हूँ । | I am in a hurry. |
क्या तुम जल्दी मे हो ? | Are you in a hurry ? |
तुम जल्दी मे क्यों हो ? | Why are you in a hurry ? |
जल्दबाजी मत करो । | Don’t make haste. |
वह जल्दबाजी बहुत करता है । | He makes a lot of haste. |
तुम जल्दबाजी क्यों करते हो ? | Why do you make haste ? |
तुम जल्दबाजी क्यों कर रहे हो ? | Why are you making haste ? |
तुम जाने की जल्दी क्यों कर रहे हो ? | Why are you making haste to go ? |
उसे क्या जल्दी है ? | What’s his hurry ? |
मुझे कोई जल्दी नहीं है ? | I am in no hurry ? |
तुम्हें क्या जल्दी है ? | What’s your hurry ? |
तुम जल्दबाजी कर रहे हो ? | You are hurrying ? |
मै जल्दबाजी में पैसे लेना भूल गया । | I forgot to make money in a hurry. |
तुमने खामखा उसे बता दिया । | You told him for no reason. |
तुम खामखा लड़ रहे हो ? | You are fighting for no reason ? |
मुझे बताओ मै क्या करूँ ? | Tell me what should I do ? |
तुम्हें हमारा घर कैसा लगा ? | How did you like/find our house ? |
तुम्हारे साथ और कौन गया था ? | Who else went with you ? |
तुम्हारे साथ और कौन रहता है ? | Who else lives with you ? |
तुम्हारे साथ और कौन कौन जा रहा है ? | Who else is going with you ? |
अच्छा हुआ तुम वहाँ आ गये । | Thank God you came there. |
अच्छा हुआ तुमने मुझे बता दिया । | Thank God you told me. |
अच्छा हुआ तुम मुझे वहीं मिल गये । | Thank God you met me there. |
जो करना है जल्दी करो । | Do what you have to do quickly. |
जल्दी खाओ जो खाना है । | Eat what you want to eat quickly. |
तुम मेरे साथ मजाक मत किया करो । | You don’t joke/kid with me. |
मै तो तुम्हारे साथ मजाक कर रहा था । | I was joking/kidding with you. |
तुम क्यों मेरे साथ मजाक कर रहे हो ? | Why are you joking/kidding with me ? |
मुझे बहुत टेंशन हो रही है । | I am getting very tensed. |
मुझे बहुत टेंशन हो रही थी । | I was getting very tensed. |
तुम्हें किस बात की टेंशन है ? | What are you tensed about ? |
तुम ज्यादा टेंशन मत लिया करो । | You don’t take too much tension. |
तुम्हें टेंशन लेने की जरूरत नहीं है । | You don’t need to take tension. |
बस एक दिन की ही तो बात है । | It’s only a matter of One day. |
बस मिनट की ही तो बात है । | It’s only a matter of minutes. |
बस रूपये की ही तो बात है । | It’s only a matter of rupees. |
बस रूपये की ही तो बात थी । | It was only a matter of rupees. |
बस मिनट की ही तो बात थी । | It was only a matter of minutes. |
बस कुछ देर रूकने की ही तो बात है । | It’s only a matter of staying for a while. |
सोच समझकर बोलो । | Speak thoughtfully. |
सोच समझकर बात करो मुझसे । | Talk to me thoughtfully. |
मैनें ये सब सोच समझकर किया है । | I have done this all thoughtfully. |
तुम्हें सोच समझकर जाना चाहिए था वहाँ । | You should have gone there thoughtfully. |
उसकी बातों मे मत आना । | Don’t get into his words. |
मै उसकी बातों में आ गया था । | I got into his words. |
तुम उसकी बातों में क्यों आ जाते हो ? | Why do you get into his/her words ? |
वो किसी की बातों में नहीं आएगी । | She will not get into anyone’s words. |
हमें दूसरो की बातों में नहीं आना चाहिए । | We should not get into other’s words. |
….. की सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think of ….. |
….. के बारे मे सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think about ….. |
इसके बारे मे सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think about it. |
वहाँ जाने की सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think of going there. |
इसे हाथ लगाने की सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think of touching this. |
कुछ करने की सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think of doing anything. |
वहाँ जाने के बारे मे सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think about going there. |
मुझसे पंगा लेने की सोचना भी मत । | Don’t even think of messing with me. |
मै उसके एहसानो तले दबा हूँ । | I am under his favours. |
मै हमेशा तुम्हारा एहसानमंद रहूँगा । | I will always be grateful to you. |
वह मुझपर कोई एहसान नहीं कर रहे हो । | He is not doing any favour on me. |
आजकल एहसान कौन मानता है । | Who accepts the favour nowadays. |
तुमने मुझपर कोई एहसान नहीं किया है । | You haven’t done any favour on me. |
तुम मुझपर कोई एहसान नहीं कर रहे हो । | You are not doing any favour on me. |
मै गिरते गिरते बच गया । | I narrowly escaped from falling. |
कुछ नहीं यार बैठा हुआ हूँ बोलो । | Nothing buddy, I am sitting, speak. |
कुछ नहीं यार आज मूड खराब है । | Nothing buddy, mood is upset today. |
ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है जो मै तुम्हें बताऊँ । | There is nothing like that I tell you. |
ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है जैसा तुम सोंच रहे हो । | There is nothing like that you are thinking. |
ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है जो मैनें तुमसे छुपाया हो । | There is nothing like that I have hidden from you. |
अपने आपको सही ठहराने की कोशिश मत करो । | Don’t try to justify yourself. |
हम सही मौके का इंतजार कर रहे हैं । | We are waiting for the right opportunity. |
बात बात पर चिल्लाओ मत । | Don’t shout on every single matter. |
वो बात बात पर रोने लगती है । | She starts crying on every matter. |
वो बात बात पर ताने मार रहा था । | He was taunting on every single matter. |
तुम बात बात पर गुस्सा क्यों हो जाते हो ? | Why do you get angry on every single matter? |
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